Ok, so this post has been a long time coming. A month actually, seeing as I turned 25 exactly a month ago! Needless to say, I did not complete it. I got 13 out of 25. Some I knew where ambitious, such as the visit an unvisited country. Others were not done due to sheer laziness (sock monkey springs to mind). And others were not done due to distance (I had a voucher for a manicure to use in Dublin but couldn’t get up there on time to use it. Same goes for the photo booth pictures too). I got very close with the IMDb list as well (I got to 90 films watched) and I did look up the language phrase, just never learnt them! And I do know a tiny bit more of the National Anthem, more than I did at the beginning!
It was a fun experience and I enjoyed it. I shall probably do something like this again for my 30th birthday, but plan more around and start it so I have more time to achieve it, not 8 months! I was going to rush to get a lot more of the stuff crossed off the list the last week of the challenge but instead I decided to concentrate on the Halloween party I was planning (and that paid off!).
Most fun things? Definitely the trip to the Aran Islands, surfing and the cocktail party. Most rewarding thing? The fundraiser, I managed to raise 500 Euro for Breast Cancer Awareness, something that has been close to my heart after my Nana died from it. And I really enjoyed planning the tea party for it, all the foods and decorating. Thing I’m most impressed with doing? Being vegetarian for a month, it showed I could stick to something and complete it (even if this challenge as a whole wasn’t completed!).
I’d definitely recommend to someone to try something like this. But as long as you don’t take it too seriously. It’s great to achieve something on the list but it’s not the end of the world if you don’t. Sometimes you get swept up in life doing and enjoying other things and that’s ok too. I think if you find you’re in a bit of a rut and would like motivation to try some new stuff and to challenge yourself, doing something like this is definitely for you!
Here’s my list with links to some of the stuff I completed. And I will continue to try and finish the list anyway, even if the timeline is up. I still want to learn to crochet and make the sock monkey.