Sunday, November 21, 2010

30 Day Music Meme: Day Twenty

Day 20- A song you listen to when you’re angry

When you’re angry, the only music that really works is rock. And sometimes classical music (for the more cultured amongst us). Ideally, it should be a song you can scream to, express your rage. Kelis’ Caught Out There is a perfect one in that situation, screaming ‘I HATE YOU SO MUCH RIGHT NOW!’ can be very therapeutic. But in reality, being able to scream like that every time you’re angry isn’t going to happen. More than likely you’re going to have to seethe in silence while blasting music through some earphones.

In my moody teenage years, I often turned First It Giveth by Queens of the Stone Age on when I was angry. It had the ability to melt away my anger for some reason.  I still turn it on when I need to defuse some anger from my body!



  1. "I still turn it on when I need to defuse some anger from my body!"

    Thats handy to know

  2. only works when wearing earphones!


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